Giving Back

Does True Chesapeake Oyster donate to charitable events? That’s easy, of course we do.

Whenever we can, we’re happy to donate oysters and swag. It’s the least we can do. And it makes us feel pretty damn good inside, too. But hey, this isn’t about us, right?

How can I get some, you ask? Well, that’s not quite as easy to answer.

While it would be great to be able to donate to every non-profit organization that comes asking, as you can imagine that would not only take up pretty much all of our time, we’d become a zero-profit organization. And that doesn’t help anyone. Therefore, we had to put a few guard rails on our giving.

Here's how it works: 

You must submit your request at least 30 days prior to the date of your event.

Read that one more time. Three. Zero. Days. If your event is less than 30 days out (yes, even 29) it will automatically be declined. Sorry, that’s just how it’s gotta be.

Even if your event is at least 30 days out, that doesn’t guarantee a donation. 

We get a ton of requests. Sometimes, as much as we want to, it’s just not a good time. If you don’t hear back within a few days of your submission, we’re not ignoring you, that means we’re not able to provide a donation. 

You have to pick them up. And we don’t provide staff to work your event.

Sorry, we’re too busy harvesting these little beauties. And it’s the darnedest thing, but we already have plans on (insert your event date here).

These are the types of organizations we donate to:

- Education
- Arts & culture
- Environmental
- Human services

These are the types of organizations we DO NOT donate to:

- Organizations without 501(c) status
- Individuals and private fundraisers
- Political organizations and campaigns
- Religious activities

OK, if you’re still reading, that must mean you’ve passed all the criteria above and you want to submit a request. Awesome. Get submittin’.
